Viewing Party Mania!

Toxies viewing parties have taken off! The 2011 Toxies will be live streaming at viewing parties in households throughout the country (Canada and Australia too!) California, Colorado, Alabama, Texas, New York, New Hampshire – and a satellite event in Minnesota!...


most washed-up: triclosan Since Triclosan’s debut role over thirty years ago, the FDA has allowed him to star in personal-care products, but has yet to implement a rule book for this bad boy. Companies cast Triclosan in a vast array of products we use on our skin and...


super hot mess: halogenated flame retardant Oh Halogenated Flame Retardant. She’s a killer hiding behind a mask of good intention. Relaxing in our homes all day, every day, then running in, pretending she can stop a fire! Save children! Keep your lit cigarette from...